Design a Custom-Tailored Surveillance Environment for your clients, Powered by IC Realtime

Perimeter Protection

  • Create block-out areas
  • Improved tripwire rules
  • Create & monitor zones
  • Event triggers for alarm outputs
  • Uses object-oriented motion parameters
  • Works with IVS rules such as tripwire, intrusion & abandoned objects


Deliver a more Intelligent and Secure Protection Experience for your Client’s!

Intelligent filtering of false positives: animals, leaves, tree branches, etc. Focusing on people and/or vehicles to send alerts and notifications.

Enabled sophisticated auto-tracking of moving people or vehicles to maintain proper surveillance while in motion.

Establish trip wires and block out areas to establish key surveillance areas and block out unnecessary regions, like a busy road or neighbor’s yard to limit notifications.

This technology blends detection & matching through sophisticated technologies. AI algorithms are used to provide a “biometric” point of reference; identyifying common facial attributes and high level emotions.

iSniper, iSniper+ cameras are all equipped with IR illuminators and advanced technology. The cameras provide a clear color image in low light conditions and switch night mode with IR illuminators in very dark conditions.